Thursday 2 May 2013

Question Three- What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

A media institution is an organisation that deals with the production, marketing, distribution and regulation of media products.

I narrowed this decision down to three key media institutions;

Bauer Media                      

IPC Media

Future PLC

As can be seen on my blog, I have already done research into Bauer Media, an extremely successful institution. However, I decided that in order to make a balanced decision I would also research other institutions so that I could make the best choice.

The UK’s leading distributor of music production and music software magazines. Holding titles such as:
·         Computer Music
·         Future Music
·         Guitar Techniques
·         Guitarist
·         Rhythm
·         Total Guitar

The magazines such as Total Guitar and Guitar techniques have become long lasting, well established under Future’s guidance. Though these magazines are extremely successful, it does seem that Future PLC have a pure focus on the production of music and skills involved, as opposed to magazine’s designed more for listeners of music. Due to this I feel that my product would not suit their current list of brands.


IPC media distribute successful magazines such as:

-Woman’s Own
-Amateur Photographer
-Ideal Home
IPC have a focus on distributing lifestyle magazines, and deliver a range of different titles. The main brands that they deal with are women’s lifestyle brands. They only distribute one music magazine: NME. The fact that they do not distribute any other music magazines seems to be a disadvantage- they have no experience with dealing with rock music magazines, whereas the competing distributors of Bauer and Future PLC do.


Has music brands such as:

-Planet Rock
-Q magazine

Bauer has ownership of numerous recognised brands and is Europe’s most successful privately owned media institution. It also seems that Bauer has more experience with multi-platform brands. I feel that as my product is newly emerging, it would definitely have to become a multi-platform brand in order to keep up to date with competitors who have well established extensions to their magazines.  Bauer also has magazines similar to my own genre, so I feel that it would have experience in handling my product.  For these reasons, I feel that Bauer media would be the most appropriate choice.

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