Saturday, 13 April 2013

Contents pages almost finished

As you can see, I have completely changed the layout of my contents pages. My previous draft looked plain and empty. I've now rearranged it, so that the main image is on the first page, looking like more of a feature. The first page now has a neat layout, with a bold image covering the top half. The bottom half contains an editor's note and a few page references but does not 

look too cluttered. I have inserted a picture of a female artist after realising that the images are predominantly male focused, to display a  more equal gender representation.

On the second page, I have now placed the gig reviews at the top half and other page references at the bottom. I have added more content to my "gig reviews" section ,  including a subheading "plus backstage acces!" and descriptions under each gig review. I have also added a background colour to make the section more visually appealing , as opposed to plain white. I have also added a subscription offer, as I've observed they are a regular feature in magazine contents pages. The subscription persuades readers to sign up to receive the magazine for a certain amount of time, and this encourages readers to become loyal. This will hopefully help the music industry as readers who sign up will regularly get the magazine, which will inform them on which music to purchase and which concerts to go to. 
The other references on the bottom half of the page will hopefully interest the readers.The feedback page reinforces a sense of interactivity and references such as "musician's tips" and "on tour with...Alice Cooper" will appeal to readers of this genre.

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