Wednesday 28 November 2012

mission statement

                                       My Mission Statement

 My magazine will give a unique insight into the music industry.  It will be predominantly basic on a rock genre also featuring other alternative artists.  It will be aimed at an age group from 16-30 of both males and females. Purchasers would be regular music listeners with an interest in live music or be musicians themselves.  The magazine would take an informative angle providing news, concert dates and reviews, as well as advice and tips for aspiring musicians. The tone and attitude would also have a quirky aspect to interest younger readers, some articles such as album reviews and interviews would have a fun and relaxed attitude.  It would be a glossy but lengthy publication to provide detailed content released on a monthly basis.  It will gain its following by providing the latest, up to date information on the rock scene as well as features and interviews with well known artists. The magazine will also incorporate fashion and band merchandise associated with the genre and the latest entertainment news.

Monday 12 November 2012

contents draft

final draft magazine cover!

Music Magazine Covers (class notes)

-If there is a person / group on the cover, what do they represent?
-Are they a stereotype?
-How has the stereotype been constructed?


-The gaze refers to the direction in which the person on the cover is looking.
-Are they looking straight at the audience?
-Are they smiling- enticing the reader in?
-Do they look friendly or cool?
-Do they look seductive?


-Create a mission statement for you music magazine.
Read the example for the women's magazine "Frank" and develop the following ideas for your own magazine.

-Explain what kind of music magazine you hope to create by focusing on genre and style.
-Explain the audience that you are trying to target.
-Give a brief overview of the content of your magazine.
-Describe the tone and attitude of your magazine.
-Explain the role that you think your magazine will play in the lives of its readers.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Choosing a genre for a music magazine

I looked at a selection of music magazines in order to make a final decision on which genre to base my magazine on.


This is one of the pop music magazines I looked at , it's extremely popular and well known. When looking at the codes and conventions I noticed that though the masthead is fairly unique in this magazine, most pop music magazines are very similar. They seem to be mostly marketed at females, using feminine colour schemes and female features as displayed in this magazine such as fashion and make up tips. I wanted to create a more unique magazine and am not particularly interested in the pop genre anyway so I ruled it out.


When researching hip hop magazines I came across "VIBE" magazine. I really liked the codes and conventions used, and the cover appeals to me . I liked the simple layout and the bold fonts used. But again I don't know a lot about the genre itself.


I really like NME magazine because it covers a range of genres. Images are usually very unique and the stories are purely about music , it's aimed at both sexes and features exclusive information. I considered creating a music magazine of mixed genres such as this but ultimately for this task I think it would be better to stick to one genre and keep a continuous theme.


I decided to pick the rock/metal genre for a number of reasons. It is personally my favourite genre, so I know a lot more about it. I also purchase this genre of magazine, so I am used to the codes and conventions that they use. Main colour schemes usually include red,white and black as they stand out, exclusive news and posters are almost always featured. The other thing that is mostly unique to the rock genre is dates for gigs and concerts, and reviews of live shows. I particularly like that aspect.


 I also find that main images in rock magazines are a little more unique, when I take my main image I feel that I will be able to experiment with it more as a rock theme than I would have been able to with for example a pop magazine.
I will create a questionnaire about this genre of music magazine to gain feedback on what I should include and conduct further research.