Q MAGAZINE:The Masthead is bold in the top left corner, the title of the magazine - "Q" is large, surrounded by a bright red box. In this image it appears smashed, to give the effect that the person in the image is breaking it with his guitar.
The main image is centred, and eye catching, it is a full body image of Mattt Bellamy , whom is holding a guitar, clearly showing the type of musician he is.
Coverlines include: "I bought 50 tins of beans & an axe... MUSE, Matt Bellamy is out of control"
"Barmy Army! Rock's greatest nutjobs "
"On tour with Coldplay..Sex, drugs & yeah right..."
All seem intriguing and as though they are offering unique information to the reader.
Additional Images:
There is only one additional image, in the bottom right, of the Beatles, perhaps because they are such an iconic band.

ROCK SOUND The masthead "ROCK SOUND" runs boldly along the top of the cover. Clearly the name associates to the type of music featuring in the magazine.
The main image is large and nearly fits the whole cover, it is of a popular rock star, and the fact that their is so much focus on him and his band tells us it will feature a large amount in this edition.
Coverlines include: "From disaster to Danger Days...MCR , Their brave new world!"
and "Why 2010 rocked!"
There is a splash banner across the top of the page notifying free stickers and poster that come with the magazine. Additional images include a photo of the stickers and poster, and a logo in the bottom left associated with the band.
The colours used are mostly red,white and yellow, as are usually used in rock music magazines.

CLOSER MAGAZINE The masthead "Closer" suggests that we are getting closer to celebrities' lives. It is bold and contrasts with the bright pink background.
The main image is of a celebrity looking distressed, highlighting problems in her life.
Additional images include two other celebrities plus photos of people who feature in real life stories.
Coverlines include "Reality hits Jordan as she sobs: 'No one will love me like Pete'
and the main coverline is: "Kerry puts drugs before her kids", highlighted in a separate box.
Bold colours are used on this cover, bright oranges, reds, and pink, perhaps suggesting this is directed at a female market. The cover is extremely busy, showing many different new stories.
Why I chose these covers to analyse:
I chose the first two because they are magazines I am likely to buy, I like covers where there is a clear main image and storylines that stand out. I think the style is effective and it's the kind of style I want to base my front covers on. I then chose to analyse Closer magazine, because it contrasts hugely- it is filled with numerous images and coverlines, it is overall much busier and I wanted to explore different layouts as well.